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Table 2 Interpretation of findings using Kearney’s pedagogical framework for learner-generated digital storytelling

From: Don’t shoot! understanding students’ experiences of video-based learning and assessment in the arts

Modelling of exemplary digital stories from relevant contexts

Providing students with good examples of video blogs could address the difficulties of ‘organising what to say’. Exemplars of how the provision of useful formative comments had helped students improve their work could also help students appreciate the value of commenting on the video blogs of their peers.

Emphasis on support of students’ affective domain, especially for reflection purposes

The finding that students were uninterested in reviewing their own blogs suggests that they saw blogs as a burden rather than as an opportunity for critical reflection. But when coupled with the finding that students did value the opportunity to watch the video blogs of their peers, this suggests that students require more assistance to help them appreciate the value of critically reflecting on their own videos. In hindsight, it is perhaps unreasonable to assume that first year undergraduate students will possess the ability to engage in meaningful reflection on their own progress. More support with this at the start of the course could improve their engagement and sense of value from creating video blogs.

Sharing of perspectives in a ‘mini-conference’ session

Bringing the video blogs into taught sessions could help students appreciate the value of adding formative comments to their peers’ blogs. By discussing the comments in the group, students may be encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills as they gradually learn the value of providing and discussing critical, constructive feedback.

Mediation of class-based and online discussions stimulated by students’ digital stories

Greater engagement with students’ online comments by tutors could encourage greater participation from students and leverage the discursive potential of the Acclaim platform. A change in approach by tutors to provide more critical questions in the form of online comments could help drive greater engagement as students could be more inclined to respond to questions, particularly if introduced to the critical value of this practice early on in the course.

More opportunities for students to review and change their work as necessary after teacher-facilitated class discussions and peer feedback

Requiring students to incorporate comments and feedback into subsequent video blogs could help them appreciate the value of providing critical comments on those of their peers. This could provide a response to the finding that students did not find value in reviewing their own video blogs, and could help them learn how to respond more effectively to critical feedback and adapt their work accordingly.